Dawson Mobbs


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Welcome to the Mobbs Family Chat Room. A Chat Room is a place where "chat" can occur. You type a few sentences, and click send. Your message is then sent to a window that displays all the messages that have been posted to the chat room. This is the next best thing to talking on the phone. The Chat room will be open all the time, but Larry and Dan will schedule special events at a time where everyone can chat. You also might want to ask a member of our family to meet you in our chat room at a certain time. When we want to schedule a special event, we will figure out a way for you to vote on a date and time so that we can get the most members of the Mobbs Family on at once.

Please read the Chat Room FAQ before chatting.

Click here to enter the chat room.

If you would like to chat with another member of your family, then your best bet is probably to chat with ICQ. You will both need to become members of ICQ and download the software before doing this, but it's well worth it. The ICQ chat is quite nice. A split screen is displayed. Each one of the Users gets a screen. As you type in your screen, your chat partner can read what you're typing.

If you would like to chat with a few members of your family, then your best bet may be to create a chat room at Delphi, which is where our family forum is. Once you have created an account to access the forum, you can create a temporary chat room that only stays up while people are logged in and chatting.

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